Chia Official - Faucet | Earn FREE $XCH

Website Specs
Earning Ways: Faucet - No Shortlink
Supported Currencies: XCH
Minimum Withdrawal: Direct
Payouts Via: Direct Wallet,
Referral Program: No,

How do I use the Chia faucet?

To use the chia faucet or testnet11 faucet you will need to identify your Master Public Key (also referred to as the Public Key). You can use either the GUI or CLI to identify the Master Public Key by following these steps:




Never share your private / secret keys or mnemonics with anyone. These give access to spend funds from your wallet.

  1. In the top right corner select logout:
Logout of the Chia wallet
  1. Using the desired keys menu, select details:
Select Details for a Chia keyset
  1. View and copy the Public Key to the field on the Faucet page:
Chia keys detail screen, Public Key highlighted



NEVER share your private / secret keys or mnemonics with anyone. These give access to spend funds from your wallet.

In order to view your keys from the cli, run chia keys show, optionally including the -f <fingerprint> flag to show only the info for the key you just generated:

  1. From terminal (mac/linux) or powershell (windows) run chia keys show:
chia keys show
  1. View and copy the Master Public Key to the field on the faucet page:
Showing all public keys derived from your master seed and private key:

Label: Demo Wallet
Fingerprint: 2281896037
Master public key (m): 96ce91d974daa0990e6681ac2de3e3f49142f6b655a081817832265c143e658a6e60a5dec856f292f45fe2d04c7856f6**
Farmer public key (m/12381/8444/0/0): a9e366b26f155491af9a903c0ed9717bfd09a71cbe283eeda825128fd7c6b9ac60e1608f9f008adcfbf66e233d5b4ce8
Pool public key (m/12381/8444/1/0): 9566fa434f342dd5f9380a6bfc59dd7d1abd22869a425a8ca09cf27200eaa6aad5bc8fc00db90af832eb8028b0c6e3f0
First wallet address: xch1kr3zf7dqw5q953ex6zt33lndj90q0zlh68404tsntnljthnwqs2qvjmwrg

For more security best practices please review the Securing Your Chia – How to Be a Hard Target blog article.

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