Capybara - Telegram Bot | Earn FREE Coins

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Tap on me to feed and watch your Coins balance grow. 🍌💰

Earn more Coins by completing tasks and referring friends! 🎮👫

No one knows if the Coins will ever be minted. Let’s discover together!

Make sure you create a Sui wallet in the game. Just in case 😉

Website Specs
Earning Ways: Completing Tasks, Farming
Supported Currencies:
Minimum Withdrawal: TBA
Payouts Via: TBA
Referral Program: Yes, You’ll get a bonus for every friend who joins and completes at least 1 task. Help your friends to earn more. Every time your friends move up the League, you’ll get HUGE bonuses!

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About Project

What is a Capybara game?

Capybara is a viral Telegram mini-game where you earn coins by clicking on a Capybara, completing tasks, and referring your friends.


When will the coins be minted?

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No one knows if or when the coins will be minted. Let’s discover together!


How to Earn Capybara Coins?

Just tap your phone’s screen to feed the Capybara and get a coin for every tap!


How Can I Boost My Earnings Per Tap?

There are 3 main parameters of the game that impact how many coins you can earn by tapping:

  • Portion Size: Defines how many coins you can earn per 1 tap.
  • Food Stock Size: Maximum amount of food available to feed.
  • Restock Speed: Speed of replenishing the available food to the max Food stock size.

You can buy Boosters to increase the speed and amount of coins earned per each tap.



  • Stock Size: Increases your Max Food Stock size (+500 per each level).

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  • Restock Speed: Increases food restock rate (+1 per each level, 4 levels max).

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  • Portion: Increases amount of coins earned per tap (+1 per each level).

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  • Auto Feed Bot: Feeds your Capybara while you’re not tapping. When “on” automatically clicks for 12 hours, after 1 hour of user’s inactivity.

  • Remember to collect your earned coins within 12 hours to restart the bot again! Don’t miss out on any coins!



Free Daily Boosters:

Don’t miss out on your free daily boosters! Make sure to login daily and use all of them. Every day you’ll have 3 activations.

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  • Full Food Restock: Fully refills the Food Stock.


  • Turbo Mode: Keep an eye out for the rocket during gameplay! Clicking on it multiplies the number of coins you earn by 2 for each tap, and it doesn't deplete your Food stock.


How to Earn More Coins?

Complete the tasks to earn more coins:

  • Daily Tasks: Make sure to check-in daily and complete the daily tasks. Don’t miss out on any coins.
  • SUI On-chain Tasks: Earn the tastiest bonuses for your SUI on-chain activity. Make sure to create your Sui wallet. Just in case...
  • Onboarding Tasks: Just watch the short tutorials on Sui blockchain & Capybara game.
  • Social Tasks: Join our community on socials and spread the word.


How Can You Get HUGE Coin Bonuses?

Invite your friends! You can earn 100,000 coins for every friend who joins and completes at least 1 task.

Every time your friends move up the League, you’ll get HUGE bonuses:

League Bonus
Famished 50,000
Hungry 100,000
Full 200,000
Nourished 400,000

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Leagues and Leaderboards

The players are divided into 5 Leagues depending on the number of coins earned. Each League has a separate Leaderboard, showing the players ranked by the number of coins earned.

League Bonuses:

Players get 1-time bonuses for moving up to the next League:

League Coins Earned Threshold League Bonuses
Starving 0 n/a
Famished 200,000 100,000
Hungry 1,500,000 200,000
Full 3,000,000 400,000
Nourished 7,000,000 800,000



Teams are groups of players in the game. Any public channel/chat on Telegram can be a Team.

For every portion of the food fed to Capybara, your Team will earn the same number of coins as you. Players can create their own Teams and invite other players via the Team referral links. Teams compete against each other (on a Teams leaderboard) and have internal leaderboards, ranking all players by the number of coins earned for the Team.



How to join a team?

You can join a Team from the Teams leaderboard. Just search for the team of your choice and and click on a Join button on the Team’s page.

You can also join a team via a text bot in the following way:

  1. Go to the bot and select “Join Team” option
  2. Send a link to the Telegram channel of the Team you want to join

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